Free Day of Health at Bodycraft

Bodycraft Fitness & Wellness, the Pilates studio that recently expanded their space at 142 Prospect Park West at 9th St, is hosting a free “Day of Health” on Saturday, October 13 from 11am to 6pm.

Neighbors are invited to meet their team of teachers and practitioners, tour the studio, try out a class, and treat yourself to a complimentary massage or fitness consultation (which will be available throughout the day).

Schedule of Events

11am Baby Moves (Parent/baby playtime with an occupational therapist)
11:30am Qigong
12:30pm MELT
1:30pm Meditation
2:30pm Pilates Mat Class
3:30pm Pilates Mat Class
4:30pm Pilates Mat Class
5:30pm ATM Feldenkrais Class