Free Air Conditioners For Elderly, Sick And Low-Income

Do you know someone who needs a new air conditioner but is unable to afford one?
The Bed-Stuy Patch is announcing that free air conditioners are now being made available through a program for Brooklyn’s seniors, the sick, as well as low-income residents.
The Sunset Park Redevelopment Committee, along with the Community Environmental Center are sponsoring “a free, emergency cooling program” for elderly, poor and disabled Brooklynites throughout the borough.
From Bed-Stuy Patch:
If you have a medical condition that puts you at risk in a heat wave, you can receive a free, energy efficient air conditioner installed at no charge.
The program begins now until September 2011, or until funds are exhausted
Submission guidelines include either documentation that provides proof of medical need for a cooling system; proof of income to determine financial need, proof of HEAP/PA/SSI/ or proof of being a foodstamp recipient; and landlord authorization. Also, you cannot already own another working air conditioner in the home.
The cooling system program package also includes an Empower Application for a free refrigerator. If funds are available, you will be contacted.
Anyone interested may call the SPRC to submit an application at 718 492 8580. Or to receive an application online, please e-mail KEEPCOOL2011@GMAIL.COM. Make sure to include your name, phone number and mailing address.