Fort Greene Park Playground And Slope Get Brightened With Paint And Flowers

You may have noticed the DeKalb Avenue playground in Fort Greene Park looking a little spiffy this weekend. That’s thanks to the work of “over two dozen volunteers from Oak Hill Advisors [who came] in Thursday afternoon and gave the playground a much-needed coat of paint.”
“We couldn’t be more thankful for their service,” exclaimed Fort Greene Park Conservancy in a statement. “The Park was able to reopen the playground Friday morning [and] Oak Hill was generous enough to donate supplies and materials for the day.” Partnerships for Parks also provided support.

Over 900 daylilies will also be blooming eventually as they have been newly planted by another 20 volunteers from a local church, beautifying a large stretch of the park. According to the Conservancy, the day lilies will “do wonders to help control erosion on the slope.”
If you’d like to join volunteers for upcoming cleanups and plantings, register for the August NY Cares days here or contact Fort Greene Park Director David Barker at or FGPC Programming and Development Coordinator Julian Macrone at to schedule a volunteer event for your school or corporate group.