Food Bank Donations: The Silver Lining To This Year's GoogaMooga Fiasco?

No matter how disappointed/annoyed you were with the cancellation of GoogaMooga on Sunday, you have to admit there was one saving grace: food banks across the city got huge donations from vendors unable to sell their goods at the festival. According to Gothamist, City Harvest and Food Bank for New York City have received thousands of pounds of chicken, pork, veggies, and more.

Of course, the donations didn’t help vendors like Brindle Room (who reportedly lost $15,000) and Joe’s Pub ($19,000). A slew of photos on social networking sites (see above) indicate how much food was flat-out wasted, too–and while festival organizers Superfly are refunding VIP Cocktail Experience passes, we wonder how many local GoogaMoogers feel like they got the full value out of their General Admission tickets.

So, what are all your thoughts on this? Was it necessary to cancel the show on Sunday to keep fans and vendors safe, and to not have a repeat of the damage to Prospect Park in 2012? Was it worth it, given how much vendors lost? Should the festival have been advertised as a “rain or shine” event? And, ultimately, should they try again next year?

Photo by noelhefele