Following Problems With Garbage In Our Area, City Places New Trash Cans On Cortelyou Road & In Newkirk Plaza

After neighbors repeatedly reported problems with the regular trash baskets along Cortelyou and in Newkirk Plaza (such as garbage accumulating around the bins), the Flatbush Development Corporation worked with Community Board 14 to get the new trash cans that have recently appeared in the area.
For now, the city has provided the new “pilot cans” at the intersections of Cortelyou Road and E. 16th Street and Cortelyou and Rugby, as well as in Newkirk Plaza, FDC Executive Director Robin Redmond told us. We’ve also reached out to the Sanitation Department to learn more about the pilot program and see where else new trash could emerge in the neighborhood.
Where would you like to see new trash cans?