Following Death Of 14-Year-Old Naiem Uddin, DOT Commissioner To Meet With Community

Don’t forget – Councilman Brad Lander and Community Board 7 are holding a meeting tomorrow, January 8, with the city Department of Transportation, including Commissioner Polly Trottenberg, to address a series of concerns about street safety in the area.

The meeting will be held at 6:30pm at PS 130 (70 Ocean Parkway). Following the death of Mohammad Naiem Uddin, the 14-year-old boy who was killed last month by a hit-and-run driver at E. 7th Street and Caton Avenue, numerous neighbors have said something needs to be done to address pedestrian safety in an area plagued by dangerous traffic conditions.

Neighbors are concerned about traffic safety on Caton Avenue, particularly because a new school, PS/IS 437, is being built there.

During tomorrow’s gathering, DOT officials, legislators, and others will discuss the steps that the city will take to make the streets safer – both around the area where Naiem was hit and more broadly in the community. Several weeks before Naiem’s death, Lander sent this letter to the DOT, identifying the needs for improvements at E. 7th and Caton – where a new school, PS/IS 437 is being built, as well as nearby. At the January 8 meeting, the DOT will present plans to address these concerns.

Everyone is welcome to attend the meeting, but you’re asked to RSVP here.