Flashback Friday: Oh Brother, That Feels Good!

Photo via Brooklyn Public Library

With the windchill about to cause a deep freeze this weekend, we thought it’d be a good opportunity to remind you that the joyous Spring weather isn’t terribly far around the corner.

Taken in 1952, the photo caption reads: “Oh, brother, that feels good–That’s obviously the reaction of little Betty Greene, 15 months [sitting in tub], as big brother Thomas, 2, empties pitcher of water over head. The [naked]  youngsters, children of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Greene, put on demonstration of how to beat heat in back yard of home at 488 9th St. today as climbing mercury and morning humidity made millions realize Summer’s here.”

The image is part of the Brooklyn Collection at the Brooklyn Public Library, and you can find more historic images like this one there or through Brooklyn Visual Heritage. The original source is from The Brooklyn Eagle.

Do you have any interesting old photos of Park Slope? Share them with us at editor@bklyner.com!