First BK Baby Of 2011 Born In Coney Island Hospital

Brooklyn’s first baby was born at Coney Island Hospital just seconds after the stroke of midnight, hospital officials said.
Weighing in at 7 pounds and 3 ounces, Alishba Waseem Rasool, arrived at Coney Island Hospital at 12:00:05 a.m. on January 1, making her the third child of Mill Basin couple Mehnaz and Muhammad Waseem Khan.
“I was about to do my last push and then the whole staff counted down for me like when it was 10 seconds left [to midnight],” Rasool told 1010 WINS.
Both the child and her mother are doing well, the hospital reports. Big brother Aimen, 7, and big sister Anisha, 6, await the homecoming of their little sister.
“We are honored to deliver baby girl Rasool at Coney Island Hospital and want to wish her a very happy birthday,” said Dr. Toni Stern, Chair OB/GYN, Coney Island Hospital. “In 2010 we helped bring over 1200 newborns into the world and today we join Mr. and Mrs. Khan in celebrating the birth of their little girl in the first few seconds of 2011.”
But baby Rasool isn’t the only “first Brooklyn baby of 2011.” The honor is split this year between her and another little girl, delivered at SUNY Downstate, named Princess Avana Andrews.