Fireworks With A Side Of Snow

Good morning, South Slope. Did you have a restful night? No? You thought World War III was exploding over the neighborhood? You weren’t alone:
Are the soviet missiles falling? #Parkslope
— Evan Morgenstern #Resist (@evanjm02) April 16, 2014
Did #parkslope just get bombed or did a meth lab blow up?
— Ryan Cox (@drunken7s) April 16, 2014
Thankfully, the NYC Office of Emergency Management was there to ease our overactive imaginations:
OK so Brooklyn *not* under attack right now thx. RT @NotifyNYC There will be a fireworks display over Ellis Island tonight at apx 9:45 PM.
— Charles Monaco (@charlesmonaco) April 16, 2014
Unfortunately, you weren’t imagining the snow that began to fall about an hour later.
Had to blink 10 times before it sank in that yes, that's snow on the ground. Banging head against wall. #longestwinterever
— Cut & Crafted (@cutandcrafted) April 16, 2014
"What part of ETERNAL WINTER did you not understand?" – the warlock who cursed us all
— michelle (@splendourific) April 16, 2014
What's that saying again? April snow brings May…
— F'D in Park Slope (@effedparkslope) April 16, 2014
So what the what was that weather yesterday!!! I ordered #Spring…Winter you've so overstayed your welcome!#isitreallyover
— Natalie De Souza (@SouzaChronicles) April 16, 2014
April 15th #snow #really #parkslope #brooklyn #ny #nyc #getthehelloutofhere @ Johnny Mack's Bar & Grill
— Hamish Scott (@brooklynhamish) April 16, 2014
Sigh. Only 65 days until summer…we hope.