Find Out What’s At The Farmers Market, And Get It Delivered, From New Website Harvestly

The farmers market can be a hit or a miss. You’re making a pasta dish with garlic ramps for tonight’s dinner party? So sorry, they went out of season last week.

But now, Fort Greene entrepreneurs Jason Davis and Brendan Sudol have started an online service, Harvestly, that will let people know every week what’s fresh and in season at the farmers market. While they plan to expand to other farmers markets, they’re launching tomorrow morning (Saturday, June 21) with the Fort Greene Park Greenmarket. For the past few weeks, Jordan and Brendan have gone to this Greenmarket first thing on Saturday morning to talk to farmers and vendors about their wares.

“The idea behind Harvestly is to help people stay on top of what’s going on at the farmers market, like when are strawberries going to be in season,” Jason said.  “And to help out people who can’t get to the farmers market every week.”

For the first few weeks, Harvestly will offer free delivery from the farmers market to residents in Fort Greene and Clinton Hill. Now locals won’t have to get out of bed first thing Saturday morning to snag a pint of fresh strawberries.