Find Fall Treats In Local Fruit At The PS 154 Greenmarket

October’s high volume of sugar consumption isn’t from the candy, it’s from the fruit — sweet fructose that is! Fructose, nature’s natural sweetness, is in high demand this time of year as locally grown fruits of many varieties are available at their peak of freshness.

Two New York-based farmers sell locally grown fruit right in the neighborhood at Sunday’s PS 154 Greenmarket. Williams Fruit Farm from Ulster County and Fishkill Farms from Dutchess County are offering up a fine harvest of delicious ripe fruits right now.

Peaches, pears, nectarines, plums and apples are at their peak of freshness in the region. Trust us — that Gala apple imported from Washington state can’t hold a candle to one grown in New York state. And those imported plums and peaches? You won’t believe the difference in flavor until you have tried ones that are locally grown.

Whether you devour fruit for an easy-to-go breakfast, make your own applesauce, or preserve fruit in jams and jellies, buying locally grown fruit makes a huge difference in flavor. It also satisfies your craving for sweets with the natural kind of sugar, fructose, the kind that isn’t refined.

Stroll on over to the Windsor Terrace-PS 154 Greenmarket this Sunday and stock up on fresh fruit. Besides, you’ll need fructose energy for costume designing and trick-or-treating later this month. The market is located on 11th Avenue between Sherman and Windsor Places from 9am to 3pm.

Photo via Fishkill Farms