Filmmaker Looking For Ladies To Star In Short Documentary


Are you an outgoing Sheepshead Bay lady looking to get yourself in front of a camera? Well, we received this message from local filmmaker Gennady F. on an interesting new project he is working on. Here is the relevant information:

This is your big chance to be a movie star! Local filmmakers are interested in shooting a short documentary about love and dating in South Brooklyn’s Russian community. They are looking for a talkative and outgoing lady who would be able to conduct on-the-street interviews with total strangers about their dating life, marriage, and anything relationship related. Russian speaking preferred but not required. There is no pay, but it should be a fun project that will take no more than two days. Aiming to shoot in May. Please email Gennady at for more info and a sample of our past work.Sounds interesting. Good luck to those who apply. We can’t wait to see the final product.