Indie Movie Filming At PS 139 Playground Next Week

There will be an independent movie filming at PS 139 (330 Rugby Rd) from Wednesday, July 12 to Saturday, July 22.
The movie, “The Kindergarten Teacher” is a remake of an Israeli movie about a teacher who aspires to have more creativity in her life.
According to the flyer posted on the street, several vehicles will be parked on the blacktop area of the playground on Argyle Road for two days (beginning yesterday).

“We will make sure to park our vehicles in a way that has the least amount of impact on the playground area,” the flyer by Assistant Location Manager Cliff Jean said.
The only other vehicle that will be parked during the shoot is a truck with a power generator on Argyle Road.
Filming will take place on the playground on Thursday, July 13, Friday, July 14, Sunday, July 16, and Wednesday, July 19. During certain times, residents will be urged to keep noise levels down and avoiding certain areas of the playground. But, the sign notes, the crew wants to make this filming as neighbor-friendly as possible and minimize impact.
There is also a scene that will be filmed at the playground off of Cortelyou Rd on Thursday, July 13.
If you experience any disruptions you can contact Jean at (347) 499-3829.