Fiction and Non-Fiction Writing Workshops Start Soon
Have you got a piece of writing that you’d like some help with? Could you use a weekly class as motivation to finish it? Author and neighbor Rachel Sherman has two workshops beginning soon: the returning fiction workshop, and a new class for non-fiction and memoir.
Ditmas Fiction Workshop
April 30-July 16
10 Mondays, 6:15-8:15pm (no class Memorial Day, May 28 and June 11)
The class is located at the Ditmas Workspace
Structured around in-class discussions of your work, this fiction workshop will focus on outline, structure, plot, narrative, dialogue and pacing, as well as content. You will receive written critiques and edits from me as well as your peers.
This is an open class. I welcome both beginning writers as well as writers who currently have a novel or short story in progress.
The class will culminate with an (optional) reading at the Ditmas Workspace.
Ditmas Non-Fiction/Memoir Workshop
May 2-July 11
10 Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30pm (no class July 4)
The class is located at the Ditmas Workspace
Do you have a story to tell? Have you always wanted to write it down?
Similar to my fiction class, my non-fiction/memoir class will run as a workshop. In this class we will talk about how to structure non-fiction narratives in memoir, essay and blog form. We will also focus on how to recognize the stories in our own lives, and how to make them “believable” on the page. You will receive written critiques and edits from me as well as your peers.
This is an open class. I welcome both beginning writers as well as writers who currently have non-fiction pieces or memoirs in progress.
The class will culminate with an (optional) reading at the Ditmas Workspace.
Please see for class testimonials, and email Rachel at if you are interested or have any questions.