Fed Up With The Kensington Post Office? Voice Your Complaints This Thursday

We all know the Kensington Post Office has, for years, has been the bane of many a frustrated neighbor’s existence. There’s an entire website (titled The Worst Post Office in the World, Kensington 11218) devoted to an institution that is “so horrific it deserves to be chronicled and documented,” neighbors detail a long list of issues on Yelp (“I wish Yelp would let me give no stars,” one reviewer lamented), and I’m sure many of us remember the guy who freaked out in line at the post office – which was followed by a meeting at which everyone essentially said the same thing: Something needs to change.

If you too are fed up with problems at the Kensington Post Office, you’ll have a chance to express that at the Albemarle Neighborhood Association’s meeting this Thursday, October 23, from 7 to 8pm at the Flatbush Jewish Center (327 E. 5th Street, at the corner of Church Avenue).

Heather Jane McCormick, a community representative to the Brooklyn’s USPS Customer Advisory Council, will gather complaints from residents and will then pass that on to the Postal Service. If you want Heather to address a specific complaint of yours, you can email information about the issue to kensingtonpohelp@aol.com.

The Albemarle Neighobrhood Association welcomes everyone to its meetings, which are held on the third Thursday of the month from September through November and March through June.

Photo via Google Maps.