MTA Fares Hikes Take Effect, NYC Just That More Expensive Today


We’ve kept you updated on the looming MTA fare hikes, and now they are a reality. Buses, subways and bridge tolls all cost more money courtesy of the friendly and responsible money managers at the MTA.

In case you’re late to the party and have no idea what I’m talking about, here is the breakdown of the latest hikes, guaranteed to finally balance the MTA’s budget forever, we’re certain of it.

The base fare for bus and subway rides will rise a quarter to $2.50. The cost for express bus rides will rise 50 cents to an even $6.
More details:
  • The seven day Express Bus Plus MetroCard will cost $55.
  • The seven-day regular unlimited MetroCard will rise to $30.
  • The 30-day regular unlimited MetroCard jumps to $112.
  • Single-ride tickets, only sold at vending machines, will cost $2.75.
  • A bonus of 5 percent is added to MetroCards with purchases of $5 or more.
There is a new fee of $1 for the purchase of MetroCards, but there are exceptions for cards purchased at out-of-system vendors and for seniors.

For the full list of wallet-squeezing price hikes, you can visit the MTA’s breakdown of the new charges by clicking here.