Famous X-Men Share A Hot Dog And Some Corn At Nathan’s, Seek Company Of Spock

Professor X (Patrick Stewart) and Magneto (Ian McKellen) putting aside their mutant differences to enjoy lunch at Nathan’s (Source: Twitter via Geeks Of Doom).

A pair of incredibly legendary and awesome actors paid a visit to Coney Island last week and chowed down on some Nathan’s Famous (1310 Surf Avenue). Sir Patrick Stewart posted the image seen above on his Twitter account, displaying his cool Coney Island tank top, his X-Men costar Sir Ian McKellen and his surprisingly muscular 73-year-old biceps.

Another thing gleaned from this picture, perhaps unsurprisingly, is that these two British knights also enjoy the comfort of black bowler derby caps. While we don’t know who took this picture of the famous duo, the Geeks of Doom hinted that it might have been Leonard Nimoy, aka Spock, who was also photographed with the pair in Coney Island.

Stewart, Nimoy and McKellen. (Source: Twitter via Geeks of Doom).

Only one question now remains. Who would win in a three-way fight? Professor X, Spock or Magento? Have at it, nerds!