Bomb Scare At Murrow H.S. Leaves Students Angry

Students at Edward R. Murrow High School (1600 Avenue L) received a scare yesterday when an abandoned backpack forced an evacuation.
According to a News 12 report, trouble started when a female student threw her backpack down near the entrance of the school. The student allegedly yelled out “Boston” and ran away from the scene. The school was then evacuated in a standard fire drill procedure. The backpack turned out to be empty.
When students were later told of the full details of the story, many were left more angry than terrified as a result of the student’s stunt.
“I think if someone is stupid enough to drop a bag and yell ‘Boston,’ they get what’s coming to them because that’s not funny, it’s really awful,” Imogene Link-Harrington told News 12.
As far as the student in question, police will not be taking any action in the matter and are leaving disciplinary actions in the school’s hands.
UPDATE (1:30 p.m.): It appears the New York Post has a different version of events. They say the girl told a security officer that she knew the Boston bombers, then dropped the bag and ran. The Post reports:
“I know the Boston bombers. I want to know if I am in trouble,” she saidn NYPD, who replied, “It depends on what you tell us,” according to a source.
The girl then threw her bag and ran away. The backpack contained only textbooks, money and her ID.
Police later determined that she had no connection to the bombers. She was sent to Kings County Hospital for a psychiatric evaluation.