Extra Trash & Recycling Pickups Scheduled For Passover

Worried you won’t be able to get your Chometz, other trash and recycling out before Passover begins this Friday, April 2? Fear not! Community Board 14 has you covered.
CB 14 announced that Department of Sanitation Commissioner Kathryn Garcia approved the board’s plan for additional sanitation services in our neighborhood, as well as in Midwood and Kensington, to help neighbors prepare for Passover, which begins at sundown on Friday.
For areas with regular pickup on Tuesday/Friday or Wednesday/Saturday, there is an additional collection on Thursday, April 2, and for those with regular pickup on Monday/Thursday there is an additional collection on Friday, April 3.
For a map showing where the extra collections will take place, click here.
There will also be additional recycling collection this Friday, April 3, from midnight to 8am. All recycling materials must be placed at the curbside on the evening of Thursday, April 2.
All Chometz and other refuse should be placed at the curbside no later than 11am on Friday, April 3. The use of plastic bags for these special collections is strongly suggested.
For non-regular refuse items like air conditioners, refrigerators, mattresses, paint, and electronics, please make use of the DSNY’s How do I dispose of…? tool.
If you have any questions about the Passover schedules, you can call the CB 14 District Office at 718-859-6357 during regular business hours.
And to all who celebrate, Chag Pesach Sameach!