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EXCLUSIVE: Bus Service Restorations, Improvements To Be Implemented January 6

Photo by Allan Rosen

YOU READ IT HERE FIRST: The MTA will announce next week that most bus lines identified earlier this year for service restorations, investments and improvements will take effect on January 6. Other improvements will not kick in until January 20.

Sheepshead Bites first got wind of the date when local groups pushed to have B4 service restorations expedited to help the Plumb Beach community recover from Superstorm Sandy. The MTA told us at the time that service could not be expedited until the Department of Transportation completed installation of new stops, and that the new service would begin January 6.

This week, an MTA spokesperson confirmed to Sheepshead Bites that the vast majority of service restorations and enhancements will begin Sunday, January 6. Those lines are:

  • Bx13, Bx34, B4, B24, B39, B48, B57, B64, B69, M1, M9, M21, Q24, Q27, Q30*, Q36, and Q42*

On Sunday, January 20, the following lines will also have new routes:

  • S76, S93*, X1 and X17

The Q30 and Q42 are weekdays only, so they are being introduced on Monday, January 7.  The S93 is also weekday only, so that will be introduced on Tuesday, January 22.

The MTA said they will be issuing a press release next week announcing the dates, as well as other specifics.

Many of the lines are restorations following severe service cuts made in June 2010 to close budget deficits. However, some lines will see modifications to their routes.

The MTA announced in July that it would be making the changes in January, but had not yet given a specific date. With their July announcement, they also announced a handful of new routes in Manhattan, South Bronx and Northern Brooklyn, which are set to take effect in fall of 2013. A list of the changes can be found here.