Everyone’s A Winner At The Strawberry Shortcake Eating Competition

Cortelyou Greenmarket Strawberry Shortcake Eating Competition

They may have given out awards for the fastest, messiest, and cleanest eaters, but everyone was a winner at the Cortelyou Greenmarket’s annual Strawberry Shortcake Eating Competition this past Sunday. With free strawberry shortcake involved, it’s hard to lose!

Cortelyou Greenmarket Strawberry Shortcake Eating Competition
Cortelyou Greenmarket Strawberry Shortcake Eating Competition

Several rounds of fierce competitors gobbled down freshly made poundcake, market strawberries, and whipped cream, as parents and shoppers cheered them on (and helped with their hair).

Cortelyou Greenmarket Strawberry Shortcake Eating Competition

Thanks to Market Manager Emily Winkler-Morey and her volunteers for making this fun event happen! If your kids missed out, just keep an eye out next spring — or check back here for details on the annual Cherry Pit Spitting Competition, another favorite.