Events This Weekend – Ragamuffin Parade, Third Avenue Festival And More

Have a great weekend and take advantage of all your neighborhood has to offer at one of these local events. If you have an event to share, please email us at or post it on our community calendar.
Movies Under the Stars: Shocktober – Ghost
When: Saturday, October 1, 6:45 – 8:45 p.m.
Where: John Paul Jones Park, 101 Street and Shore Parkway between 4 Avenue and Fort Hamilton Parkway
What: Join NYC Parks and New York City Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment for this free screening of Patrick Swayze’s 1990 film Ghost
Cost: FREE
More Information: (718) 965-8942
10th Annual Brooklyn Senior Idol
When: Saturday, October 1, 7 p.m.
Where: Xaverian High School, 7100 Shore Road
What: The Brooklyn Senior Idol show is a popular contest that highlights
the talent of the senior citizens of Kings County, while raising funds to
support the Xaverian Music Department
Cost: Tickets for the event are $10.00 and can only be purchased at the
More Information: Tickets for the event are $10.00 and can only be purchased at the
Third Avenue Festival
When: Sunday, October 2 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Where: 69th Street to 94th Street on Third Avenue
What: Annual street fair involving rides, games, and food
St. Finbar flea market
When: Sunday, October 2 from 9 a.m. till 3 p.m.
Where: Bath Ave. and Bay 20th Street
More Information: For further information please call St. Finbar Rectory at (718) 236 3312
Columbus Parade Brunch
When: Sunday, October 2 at noon
Where: Dyker Beach Golf Course at 7th Avenue and 86th Street
What: The Federation of Italian American Organizations’ Columbus Parade Brunch. The Honorees this year are: Senator Diane Savino, Assemblymember
Pamela Harris and Nicholas Caiazzo Esq., Thomas Sorrentino CPA.
More Information: For further information please call (718) 259-2828
Motorcycle ride benefit
When: Saturday, October 1 from 9 a.m. to noon
Where: Gilbert Rivera Pavilion, 745 64th Street
What: NYPD to escort motorcycle ride through Brooklyn to benefit Maimonides Breast Cancer Center on first day of Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Cost: FREE
Ragamuffin Parade
When: Saturday, October 1 at 1 p.m. (rain or shine)
Where: 76th Street to 92nd Street between 3rd and 4th Avenues
What: Landmark neighborhood street fair and march involving costumes, merchants and more
Cost: FREE
Bensonhurst Greenmarket
When: Every Sunday up until November 20, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Where: 18th Avenue between 81st and 82nd street
What: Farmers market featuring a host of fresh produce grown in the tri-state area.
How Much: FREE entry, with food prices ranging. Cash, EBT, Food Stamps, debit, credit, WIC Vegetable & Fruit checks & FMNP coupons accepted
More information: Grow NYC
Halloween Harvest at Luna Park
When: Every weekend September 24 through October 30
Where: Coney Island’s Luna Park
What: Come out for a host of family-friendly holiday-centric activities, including Kooky Spooky Karaoke, story time at the Monster Mash stage, glitter tattooing from Hiccups the Clown and much more
How Much: Activities range from free to $10 or so