Events This Weekend – Italian Opera, Two Parades, And More

Have a great weekend and take advantage of all your neighborhood has to offer at one of these local events. If you have an event to share, please email us at or post it on our our calendar.
Luna Park’s Dog Parade & Costume Contest
When: Sunday, October 9 from 2 to 5 p.m.
Where: Luna Park at 1000 Surf Avenue
What: Come watch over 100 furry friends compete for the titles of Mr. or Ms. Congeniality, Cutest, Most Original, Audience Choice and the grand-prize winner Best in Show, winning a three months’ subscription to Barkbox. Other contests winners will receive Petco gift cards.
How Much: FREE
Family fun move night and free pumpkin giveaway
When: Saturday, October 8. Activities from 4 to 9 p.m., Hotel Transylvania 2 screening from 7 to 9 p.m.
Where: McKinley Park at 73rd Street and Fort Hamilton Parkway
What: Dress up the little ones in their Halloween costumes, bring blankets and picnic dinners, and come out for a free movie screening in the spirit of the season
Brooklyn Columbus Parade
When: Saturday, October 8 at 1 p.m.
Where: The parade will begin at 18th Avenue and 61st Street and march to Benson Avenue
What: Annual celebration put on by the Federation of Italian American Organizations and other local sponsors
More Info: (718) 259-2828
Miley’s Mad Dash Storytime
When: Sunday, October 9 at noon
Where: The BookMark Shoppe at 8415 3rd Avenue
What: Join author Alyssa Browne for story time with Miley the courageous chihuahua
How Much: FREE
Italian Opera Company performance
When: Saturday, October 8 at 7 p.m.
Where: St. Finbar Msgr. Scanlan Center at 1839 Bath Avenue
What: The Italian Opera Company will perform a concept of light orchestra music feautring The International Aritsts & Musicians of the Italian Opera Company & Kings Chorus of the Barbershop Harmony Society
How Much: Donations at will
More Info: (917) 400-8366
International Coastal Cleanup Day
When: Saturday, October 8 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Where: Kaiser Park, Coney Island. Enter at the Bayview entrance to Kaiser Park, closest to the waterfront.
What: Come out and volunteer for a cleaner community. Help collect, identify and remove litter that has washed up on the shore.
More Info: For more information and questions about weather, contact Ted Enoch at (646) 483-8740.
Applebee’s Fundraiser for the Kiwanis Club of Brighton Beach/Coney Island
When: Saturday, October 8 from 8 to 10 a.m.
Where: 1217 Surf Avenue
What: Flapjack Fundraiser includes set breakfast menu only, no additions or substittions allowed
How Much: Tickets cost $10
More Info: Tickets must be purchased in advance. For tickets, contact Joe Corace at or (917) 282-9498, or Barbara Santonas at or (347) 634-2557.
Bensonhurst Greenmarket
When: Every Sunday up until November 20, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Where: 18th Avenue between 81st and 82nd street
What: Farmers market featuring a host of fresh produce grown in the tri-state area.
How Much: FREE entry, with food prices ranging. Cash, EBT, Food Stamps, debit, credit, WIC Vegetable & Fruit checks & FMNP coupons accepted
More information: Grow NYC
Halloween Harvest at Luna Park
When: Every weekend September 24 through October 30
Where: Coney Island’s Luna Park
What: Come out for a host of family-friendly holiday-centric activities, including Kooky Spooky Karaoke, story time at the Monster Mash stage, glitter tattooing from Hiccups the Clown and much more
How Much: Activities range from free to $10 or so