Election Day Roundup

Ah, democracy. You are so alluring with your promise of freedom and self-determination. But then you pull stunts like these: reports of seven-hour lines for early voting in Florida; confusion over Pennsylvania’s confusing voter ID law/not law; New Jersey’s well intentioned vote by email system crashes and burns…

Think New York is immune to such problems? Think again. Hour-plus lines stretched around the corner at PS 282 on Election Day morning. The school, serving as the voting hub for displaced John Jay High School pollers as well as original 282 voters, was crowded, though the election workers were moving people through efficiently.

We also spotted a long line outside of the polling place at MS 51, shown above, and have heard it was not much better at Camp Friendship, but that at least they had a friendly atmosphere. But you’re in luck if you’re voting at PS 321, where we hear the lines have been quick, and they’ve got baked goods for sale!

If you’ve voted already, congratulations! Democracy thrives. If you haven’t voted yet, stop dilly-dallying. Polls are open until 9pm – and remember that if you are on line by 9pm, they must let you vote.

Maybe you think you have better things to do? This woman voted.

Think your vote doesn’t matter? New York’s electoral votes may not be in question, but an electoral college/popular vote split will encourage hyperpartisanship. Every vote counts. And if you’re curious about the results, here’s a map to let you know when they will start coming in. Hint: Virginia polls close at 7pm.

How was your voting experience today?