Easy Holiday Travel Is This Year’s Must-Have Gift

via ReachNow

Thanksgiving is behind us and odds are that you did a little traveling last week. And even if you didn’t, you’re probably planning some later in December. You’re certainly not alone. I mean, check out these stats from AAA:

  • 9 million Americans were predicted to travel 50 miles or more away from home this Thanksgiving
  • The largest growth in holiday travel is by air travel, at five percent, with 3.95 million travelers.
  • Travel by trains and other modes (including buses and cruises) is expected to increase 1.1 percent to 1.48 million travelers.

Behind all those numbers, though, are people excitedly on their way to visit family they haven’t seen all year (or longer). Or escaping the cold weather. Or heading into colder weather because the holidays just aren’t the holidays without the nipping at your toes.

And then there are those who choose to stay a little closer to home. Even then, there’s travel to plan. And, with subways on a holiday schedule and the air invitingly crisp, the lure of driving is hard to resist. I, for one, took a mini road trip to Greenpoint on Thanksgiving for a cozy dinner with friends.

If you’re also sticking around Brooklyn for the holidays and want an easy way to run holiday-prep errands or get around to parties, dinners, and other sites of general holiday merriment, check out ReachNow. They make holiday (non)travel simple.

You just need to download the iPhone or Google Play app and use it to find and reserve your car. Then get going and return the car to the home area in Brooklyn when you’re done.

(Given the merriment mentioned above, please do make sure to be responsible and bring a designated driver along. It’s not like there isn’t room in ReachNow’s fleet of MINIs and BMWs!)

ReachNow also has you covered should you get that itch to travel out of town, even on a last-minute whim. It’s just $110 for 24 hours, up to 5 days and 500 miles per trip. And that’s inclusive of gas, insurance, and parking.

They currently have a special offer of a free hour of drive time (up to $20) through December 31st with code BKLYN36. It’s only available to the first 500 people, though — take advantage soon.

Holiday travel can be stressful, but it doesn’t have to be. It helps to keep the reason you’re traveling in mind. Like:

via Rolling Stone

Personally, I always prefer driving. You’re under your own steam, not subject to security lines, missed connections, and the rest of it. And with the temperatures cooling down but not yet frigid, a window rolled down a crack on a bright, crisp, sunny day while heading toward what you know will be a proper celebration of the season does wonders for the holiday spirit.

Don’t let travel during the holidays—of whatever length—dampen that spirit. Grab hold of a little automotive ReachNow magic and celebrate with ease.

This post was sponsored by ReachNow. If you would like to reach our readers, please contact us.