E-Z Pass Discount On Bridge Tolls Announced For Brooklyn Residents

Recently, Governor Andrew Cuomo gave Staten Island E-Z Pass holders a discount on the Goethels Bridge, Bayonne Bridge, and Outerbridge Crossing. Local politicians like Vincent Gentile and Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis responded by asking the Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority, “What about Brooklyn?”
Today, Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis is pleased to announce that the Port Authority approved a bridge toll discount plan for residents of Brooklyn as well.
Under the plan, the toll for enrolled E-Z Pass users with non-commercial plates will be $4.75 per trip after three trips are completed within a calendar month at the Goethals Bridge, Outerbridge Crossing or the Bayonne Bridge, taking effect within the next 40 to 60 days.
“We have made our need for toll relief heard loud and clear, leading to the vital discount program approved by the Port Authority,” said Malliotakis. “With Brooklyn’s residents facing skyrocketing tolls on crossings like the Verrazano Bridge and other structures, we must drive down the cost of visiting the Garden State wherever possible. The fight for toll relief has been a community based, grassroots effort that proves, by taking a stand and never giving up, we can spur government action and make a real change in our community.”
Prior to this announcement, Gentile called the Staten Island deal “one sided” and accused transportation authorities for forgetting Brooklynites who regularly cross the Verrazano as well. Gentile said that people in his strict pay $3.84 to $5.28 more per crossing than Staten Islanders do, according to the Bay Ridge Journal.
Information pertaining to enrolling in the discount program will be announced by the Port Authority within the next 40 to 60 days.