DOT Unveils Changes To Terrace Place To Increase Pedestrian Safety

DOT representatives discusses changes to Terrace Place. (Photo by Shannon Geis/Ditmas Park Corner)

The NYC Department of Transportation announced several changes to Terrace Place in Windsor Terrace in order to increase pedestrian safety in the area at a Community Board 7 Transportation Committee meeting on Tuesday evening.

via DOT

Along the street between McDonald Avenue and 18th Street DOT plans to add a parking lane, a pedestrian triangle, a crosswalk, and a signaled right turn to the stretch.

FDNY has complained of having trouble maneuvering vehicles around parked cars in the area, so DOT has decided to remove some parking spaces near intersections to improve daylighting, while adding parking along the bridge over the Prospect Expressway. The shift in parking spaces will actually result in a net gain of seven spaces.

via DOT

On the other end of Terrace Place, the DOT said that the painted peninsula that has been added to the confusing intersection of Terrace Place, Windsor Place, and Prospect Park Southwest has been effective in making the intersection safer for pedestrians. The DOT has decided to make the peninsula permanent and build it out in concrete.

DOT also said that the intersection was currently being analyzed to see if it meets federal warrants for a traffic light.

Residents of the area who attended the meeting showed general support for the efforts to make neighborhood streets safer. However, many still had concerns. Several residents asked DOT to look at the corner of Terrace Place and 20th Street to see if a stop sign or any additional traffic calming measures could be added.

Other neighbors expressed concern about the plans for the intersection of Terrace, Windsor, Prospect Park Southwest, remaining unconvinced that building out the peninsula was necessary and emphasizing the need for a traffic light. Representatives from the DOT said that the concrete peninsula and a traffic light solved different problems and that they were convinced that the peninsula is making the intersection safer for pedestrians, while it is still unclear whether the intersection will be approved for a traffic signal.

Councilmember Brad Lander, who has been working with DOT to address traffic concerns throughout Windsor Terrace and Kensington, stopped by the meeting. “I want to thank the DOT for addressing these issues. We are trying to make Windsor Terrace and Kensington safer for everyone. Residents of the community should keep the suggestions coming,” said Lander.