DOT To Propose Safety Improvements For Caton Avenue At CB 7 Meeting Next Tuesday, May 26

To address neighbors’ numerous safety concerns regarding Caton Avenue, including speeding cars and short crossing times, the city Department of Transportation will next week propose a number of changes to the roadway that are expected to go into effect before the new school at Caton and E. 7th Street opens next fall.
The DOT will present the plans, which were first discussed at a meeting with the DOT commissioner in January, at Community Board 7’s Transportation Committee on Tuesday, May 26 at 6:30pm at CB 7’s board room, located at 4201 4th Avenue in Sunset Park.
Following the committee meeting, the board members could vote on a resolution to support the changes during the board’s June meeting.
Many thanks to neighbor Meema Spadola for alerting us to this gathering, which is open to the public.
“It would be great to have a strong KWT [Kensington-Windsor Terrace] community presence at this committee meeting and the full CB meeting,” Meema wrote to us.
To see the many changes being looked at for Caton Avenue, you can see our previous coverage here.