DOT To Repave Potholes On Nasty Stretch Of 86th Street

The Department of Transportation will begin repaving that nasty stretch of potholes on 86th Street between 14th Avenue and Stillwell Avenue this summer, according to a press release from Councilman Mark Treyger and Assemblyman William Colton.
“The current condition of 86th Street is clearly not acceptable and represents a real hazard to drivers and pedestrians, especially seniors and children,” Treyger said in a press release. “This winter was especially harsh on our roads, so I will continue to work with residents and the DOT to identify and repair the worst stretches.”
Department of Transportation has agreed to their request on behalf of the community to repave a pothole-ridden stretch of 86th Street in Bensonhurst.
According to the DOT, work will occur in three separate parts starting this August. They will be covering the stretches from14th Avenue to 18th Avenue, then 18th Avenue to Bay 29th Street and finally Bay 31st Street to Stillwell Avenue. The construction will go on at night.