DOT Plans To Install Traffic Signal At 8th Avenue And Windsor Place After Requests From Community

The intersection of 8th Avenue and Windsor Place will be getting a traffic signal, according to a letter from the Department of Transportation to Community Board 7.
After a crash at the intersection in July, we heard from many readers that this intersection is one of many problem intersections in the area and many expressed the need for a traffic signal.
Community Board 7 agreed that the intersection should be studied and asked the DOT to look into it.
“Speeding has been a complaint of residents in this part of our community for quite some time. Our residents are concerned that the seniors at the [Bishop Boardman] housing facility are vulnerable to speeding vehicles and believe they deserve a safe, controlled crossing point on their corner,” read CB7’s letter to the DOT.
CB7 received a letter this week from the DOT saying that the study had been completed and that they plan to install a traffic light at the intersection. “Installation will be performed by contract and the work is tentatively scheduled to be completed by February 29, 2016,” says the DOT’s letter.
We’re glad to see that the community efforts have helped to make this intersection safer for everyone. What do you think?