Donate To Help Local Animals In Need

Have a few extra bucks lying around after taxes? Love nothing more than seeing a cat or dog get proper medical care and a happy home? Here are some ways to make sure our local furry friends get the support and attention they deserve.

  • Help Q Gardens trap, neuter, and release a colony of cats near their E 18th Street plot. Through their gofundme campaign, neighbors can purchase vet care for one cat or a cedar shelter to keep felines adequately protected from the elements.
  • Sean Casey Animal Rescue is also seeking funding for some particular initiatives. For one, they’ve set up a fundraiser, where they’re trying to raise $10,000 to help animals like the 15 dogs they recently rescued from an Amish Puppy Mill; they’re also hoping Pitty lovers will contribute to help them educate the public about so called “aggressive breeds” who often have trouble finding homes.

Please give a little if you’re able–you’ll keep a lot of tails wagging!

Photo via Sean Casey Animal Rescue