Donate Food This Holiday Season With FDC And Our Lady Of Refuge

The holiday season is not just a time to celebrate with family; it is also a season of giving back. This December, the Flatbush Development Corporation is teaming up with Our Lady of Refuge church to host an end-of-the-year canned food drive to benefit the church’s food pantry.
Our Lady of Refuge has been serving over 300 meals a week for more than 20 years. “The people who come to our food pantry come because they are trying to make ends meet. These are people and families that work, but still don’t have enough at home. It is our hope to help these individuals throughout the year, but especially now during the holiday season,” said Joane Lawrence, Our Lady Of Refuge Parish Administrator, in a statement.
You can drop off food for the food pantry at the Flatbush Development Corporation office, 1616 Newkirk Avenue, during regular business hours until the end of December. The FDC hopes to gather 250 cans of food for Our Lady of Refuge and can use your help.