Dog Of The Day: Maggie

Photo by Peter Hay

Not enough snow for you this winter? Tonight, we’d like you to meet a canine after your own heart — Maggie, the darling of 5th Avenue, who’s been introduced to us by neighbor/her person Peter Hay. If you’d like us to feature your dog on the site, whether it’s a proud purebred, a lovable whosawhatsit, or anything in between, send some photos to us at!

PSS: How old is Maggie, and how long has she been a part of your family?

Peter Hay: Maggie turns 10 this month. I got her at 3 months. She has always lived on 5th Ave.

What’s one of her favorite things about living in Park Slope?

Sitting and watching people walking by, sometimes in front of Kos Kaffe or in front of A&S Meats (now Russo’s). But by far her favorite place is Prospect Park, whether off leash or on, she could trek for hours or just find a great tree to sit under and watch the world and smell the breeze.

Everyone knows her on 5th Avenue — but does she have a favorite?

She loves Pete, the exterminator (go figure) who handles La Villa; Rose, the owner of La Rosa Dancewear; and Lucia (formerly of Lucia, now of Teddy).

Any businesses on the street that she’s particularly fond of — and if so, why?

She likes shoe stores like DNA and clothing stores like Something Else and Brooklyn Industries. She likes the attention she gets from staffers.

Photo by Peter Hay

Unlike the rest of us, she looks like she didn’t get tired of the snow. Is she a winter-loving dog at heart?

Maggie absolutely loves the snow: rolls in it every chance she gets. If there is only a little patch, that’s good enough. Its in the park where she brings out her inner wolf. Her coat is very thick so even on the coldest nights she will wander off leash for an hour before laying down and relaxing on top of the snow and ice.

Can you explain what Maggie means to you in five words or less?

Maggie is the center of my contentment.