Ditmas Park Rental Roundup

Looking for an apartment to rent in Ditmas Park? We’ve rounded up a few spaces available in the neighborhood to help you on your hunt.
4-Bedroom House
Available: Immediately
Price: $4,800, plus broker’s fee
Details: If you have enough friends or family to pull together, renting an entire house could be a fun option. The kitchen (pictured above) is spacious and recently renovated, there’s laundry in the house, and you’d have your own driveway, plus a yard that you could enjoy in the warmer weather. The listing doesn’t give the address, but we recognize the house as the one on the corner of Ditmas and Argyle – it’s a little busy with traffic on Ditmas, but you’ll be a new regular at Ox Cart a block away, and Newkirk Plaza is close by.
Contact: Listed by broker Mary Kay Gallagher, 718-282-3141
2-Bedroom Near Cortelyou
Available: Immediately
Price: $2,795, plus broker’s fee
Details: This is a 2-bedroom, 1-bathroom apartment in a private home located just off Cortelyou, so you’re close to restaurants and shopping. Cats are allowed, which is a little hard to find in Victorians. The price is one of the highest we’ve seen in the area, but you do have access to both a front porch and a beautiful back yard.
Contact: Listed by broker Brooklyn Hearth, Karen Sayles, 347-322-9622
2-Bedroom Near Brooklyn College
Available: February 1
Price: $2,000, plus broker’s fee
Details: A 2-bedroom, 1-bathroom apartment in a building on East 23rd Street between Foster and Farragut puts you within easy walking distance of Brooklyn College, but it’s a bit of a walk to either nearby subway line if you’re hoping to commute to Manhattan. No pics in the listing, but could be worth checking out if you like to cook, since it sounds like there are new appliances.
Contact: Listed by broker Corcoran, Dwayne Powell, 718-832-4178
1-Bedroom on Stratford
Available: March 1
Price: $1,500, no broker’s fee mentioned, but there might be one
Details: There are several listings on Craigslist right now for apartments in a building on Startford near Church, and we’re guessing it’s the one that has been doing a lot of renovation over the past year – we remember seeing them installing new windows over the summer. This listing says the apartment has enough room in a dining area for a table for 6, and notes that there’s parking available for an extra fee. Can’t beat the proximity to the Parade Ground and Prospect Park, not to mention all the good eats available on Church Ave.
Contact: Listed by agent Kashif Akhtar, 917-652-6614
1-Bedroom in Apt Building
Available: Immediately
Price: $1,350, no fee
Details: This 1-bed, 1-bath is pretty basic, but the kitchen looks nice, with a bit of exposed brick and a counter where you could put stools. The exact address is not given, but the general area it’s in is one of our precinct’s “impact zones,” which means they’ve seen more crime in the area and send more police, usually rookies, out on patrol there. If anyone who lives in that area between Ocean and Flatbush, from Dorchester to Foster would like to comment on how you like living there, we’re sure prospective neighbors would love to hear it.
Contact: Listed by broker Rapid Realty, 347-404-5202