Ditmas Park Corner Is Awesome (And Why It Felt So Good to Say That)

Talking about yourself makes you feel just as good as food or money does, says a new study that the Wall Street Journal covers today:

About 40% of everyday speech is devoted to telling others about what we feel or think. Now, through five brain imaging and behavioral experiments, Harvard University neuroscientists have uncovered the reason: It feels so rewarding, at the level of brain cells and synapses, that we can’t help sharing our thoughts.

They said people in the experiment were willing to pass up money just so they could talk about themselves! So indulge us for a moment while we talk about us:

• We’re getting close to 400 likes on Facebook, please like us there if you haven’t yet!

• I love what you guys say on Twitterfollow us there so we can see what you’re up to.

• Our newsletter is a great digest of each day’s posts. Don’t miss any, sign up now.

Our Flickr group is steadily growing, but I know there are more local photographers out there who want to join it. Please do so here.

• Finally, if you’ve got a question, complaint, or idea for a story, contact us at ditmasparkcorner@gmail.com or fill out the form on the right side of the page.