Ditmas Park Apartment Rental Roundup

Looking for a new place to call home? We’ve rounded up a bunch of intriguing Ditmas Park apartment listings — take a look at the details, and let us know what you think. Lots of luck in your search!
2BR At 1609 Avenue H With Outdoor Space (Sponsored)
Available: Immediately
Price: $1,200, no fee
Size: Two bedrooms, one bathroom
Details: One large bedroom plus office available in an airy, spacious, new two-bedroom Ditmas Park apartment. The unit includes access to laundry and outdoor space.
Contact: Yvette Neuman, (917) 657-2131
Sunny 2BR On E. 18th Street
Available: Immediately
Price: $2,400
Size: Two bedrooms, one bathroom
Details: What we have here is an “immaculate elevator building.” What that means exactly, I don’t know. But I do know that it’s near the Q train and gets a lot of sunlight. Too bad it’s almost winter now, taking away what little light and joy was left in this world.
Contact: DSA Realty, Katie Bahan, (646) 832-5713
Pencil Thin Windows On E. 16th Street
Available: Immediately
Price: $2,000
Size: Two bedrooms, one bathroom
Details: Hey, who knew this apartment is nearby the all encompassing “shops.” I’m sure some of those shops are worth your time since it’s so close to Church Avenue. This apartment looks to be a little small or maybe the realtor has a thing for getting really close to the wall before snapping his vertical pictures.
Contact: Oxford Property, (917) 971-6727
2BR At 583 E. 21st Street
Available: Immediately
Price: $2,800, plus broker’s fee
Size: Three bedrooms, one bathroom
Details: This is it people, the place you’ve been looking for. It’s the kind of cozy spot where the toilet and sink are so close to each other that if you’re good and drunk you won’t be able to tell the two apart. But the charm doesn’t end there. Featured in this place is a Scooby-Doo type of hallway where you can’t tell which door leads to a closet and which leads to a bedroom. Once again, the difference is subtle. Oh, and there’s a new tub so get ready to break it in.
Contact: U2 Apartments, Michael, (646) 409-7373
If you know of a great place available for rent or sale, or are a broker representing a property you want included, fill out our real estate contact form here. Listings must be received by 6pm on Thursday for inclusion on Friday. For more information, call our Director of Sales and Marketing Dina Rabiner at 646-228-4151.