District 15 Rezoning Could Impact PS 10 and PS 107

At last night’s public meeting about proposed rezoning in District 15, the Department of Education presented a plan to help alleviate overcrowding of some area schools. The proposed changes would affect public schools 10, 39, 107 and 321:
• PS 107 would cede territory west of 7th Avenue, as well as that south of 15th Street, to PS 10.
• PS 39 would lose students living west of 5th Avenue and would gain some students from the southern section of PS 321.
• PS 321 would lose students living on 4th and 5th Streets between 7th Avenue and PPW, as well as a those living west of 5th Avenue and south of 1st Street.
• A new school at 211 8th Street (at 4th Avenue) would absorb the area given up by PS 39 and PS 321.
Overcrowding would still be a problem, however. While these plans would lower the enrollment of all the schools, they would all still be over-capacity. For example, PS 107 currently has 555 students enrolled, putting it at 158% capacity; the new plan would lower enrollment to 400-460 students, still putting it at 110-120% capacity.
For a complete recap of the meeting, see Park Slope Stoop.
Affected residents are invited to weigh in during the comment period, which lasts until Wednesday, November 28. Interested parties can contact the district superintendent Anita Skop at askop@schools.nyc.gov or 718-935-4317; the Community Education Council at CEC15@schools.nyc.gov, or the Office of Portfolio Management at brooklynzoning@schools.nyc.gov. The subject line should read “District 15 zoning.”