Photo: Disgusting Street Waste Along Bay Parkway

It is no great revelation that outerborough neighborhoods are becoming increasingly filth-addled, but it doesn’t mean we have to stand for it. Bensonhurst Bean reader Carmela sent us some horrible photographs she took along Bay Parkway outside the N train station near 67th Street with the following message:
This photo was taken this morning (and it’s the same scene every morning) in front of the Bay Parkway N Train Station on 67th Street and Bay Parkway. This disgusting mess is front of the train station; and next to the train station is a Chinese Fruit Store; a Chinese Bakery; Dunkin Donuts and another 24 hour fruit store on the corner of 67th Street and Bay Parkway. It is an unbelievable disgrace that these store owners cannot keep their sidewalks and the streets of Bay Parkway clean. Bay Parkway is a disgusting mess from 67th Street to 70th Street. Doesn’t anyone care??? These store owners should be ticketed every single morning until they realize they need to keep the streets of Brooklyn/Bensonhurst clean. It’s disgusting!!!!!
We agree that the trash problem is a disgrace and is ultimately harmful not only to the environment, but to the people in the community and the businesses within it. Imagine if you, or a child slipped and scraped your knee in or near this waste. How about people with wheelchairs rolling through this garbage, or the elderly with canes? Littering in such a manner has consequences to community members and drastically lowers the quality of life for everyone. Most importantly, in my opinion, it sets a terrible and imprinting example for children. How can we expect them to respect litter laws and care about the quality of their community if they grow up surrounded in filth?
Thank you again, Carmella, for helping us bring this to the larger attention of the community.