Discuss Life Of Pi At The Kensington Library

Plan ahead for a book discussion coming up at the Kensington Library (4207 18th Avenue) on Thursday, July 18, at 1:15pm. Meet some neighbors to talk about of Life of Pi by Yann Martel.

If you haven’t read it yet (or seen the movie), the Times review gives a pretty good idea of what to expect:

A Hindu, a Muslim and a Christian are trapped on a lifeboat for 227 days with a 450-pound Bengal tiger. It sounds suspiciously like the setup of a joke, something you might hear at a tavern from the guy who’s been downing gimlets all night. But ”Life of Pi,” the Canadian writer Yann Martel’s extraordinary novel based on this very premise, is hardly your average barroom gag.

Unfortunately it looks like all the copies in the Brooklyn system are currently borrowed, so this is a heads up to get on the hold list to pick up a copy at the library in time for the discussion!