Design A Fort Greene Or Clinton Hill Flag For A Chance At $1,000

If you can do a great illustration of Walt Whitman on a stoop or the Pratt cats and some carriage houses, you might be just the person to design a crest that represents Fort Greene or Clinton Hill for a contest from UncommonGoods. The online retailer, which is based in Sunset Park, just launched the Brooklyn Flag Project, where artists can submit designs for Brooklyn neighborhood crests that highlight the distinctive characteristics of the area.

They’re looking for an original design that has “some specific story-telling” and shows how your neighborhood is unique — highlights of architecture, landmarks, history, changes that have happened over time, the sky is basically the limit.

A panel of judges will pick their favorite designs in August, and then the public will be able to vote for their favorite online. The winner will receive $1,000 and an UncommonGoods vendor contract that will promise you royalties on the actual flags they will produce and sell. Runners up also get some cash, and consultation from guest judges.

Think you’ve got the best idea for Fort Greene or Clinton Hill? Submit designs online through July 31!

Image via UncommonGoods