Deadline To Register For New York State & Local Primary Is This Week

The New York State Board of Elections wants to remind all New Yorkers that the registration deadline to vote in the primary election on September 13, is this week.
You’ve heard from some of the candidates we talked to, including Michael Cox, Consuelo Mallafre Melendez, Kate Cucco, Billy Thai, and others who are running for the Senate or State Assembly this election season — and to cast your vote, make sure you’ve registered before the deadline approaches.
According to the State Board of Elections, mail-in voter registration forms must be postmarked by midnight, August 19, and received by the board of elections no later than August 24, to be valid for the upcoming primary election in September.
Voters can check the State Board of Elections’ website or contact their local board of elections for more information on what contests will be on the ballot. Registration forms are also available for download on the site.
In July, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced that voter registration forms in five new languages — Russian, Urdu, Haitian Creole, French and Arabic — are available under the city’s effort to expand voting participation. Those forms are available here.
Alternatively, voters who have an established account at the NYS Department of Motor Vehicles may register online at their MyDMV site.
Residents who have moved to a new county within the state are reminded to re-register from their new address. Those who are currently registered and have moved to a new address in the same county should notify their county board of elections by August 24.
People who are unsure whether they are registered and wish to verify their current address, or find out where to vote, can look up the information by clicking here.
New Yorkers who want to register in-person can visit their county board of elections and at many state agency offices throughout the state no later than August 19 to be eligible to vote in the Presidential Primary election.
For more information on registering to vote in New York State, voters can contact their local county board of elections or call (518) 474-1953 or visit their website: