The Day: A New Park at the Navy Yard and CB2’s Monthly Meeting

Here are a couple of African Grey Parrots who, thanks to local local David “Birdman” Reyes, don’t have to worry about flying south for the winter. (Photo by Brien Foy)

Good morning, Fort Greene and Clinton Hill.

High temperatures might be hovering around 80 degrees, making it feel summery until next week, but that doesn’t mean local leaves don’t know that it’s fall. We’ve already seen some small changes, but are more interested in getting your view of bursts of fall color. Help us show the flourish of fall before leaves drop off trees for the winter by sharing your shots in The Nabe’s Flickr group.

  • Following the shooting death of 24-year-old Nicoleia Taylor on Tuesday in a Lafayette Gardens Houses courtyard, cops have named a suspect in the murder, we reported yesterday. The alleged shooter, a 21-year-old named Corey Brown, fired the errant bullet that hit Taylor in the chest and killed her, cops said. Police are urging anyone with information on the crime or Brown’s whereabouts to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers hotline at (800) 577-TIPS.
  • A new park is coming to the northeast edge of the nabe, now that the City Council has completed $2 million in funding to help Brooklyn Greenway Initiative build the Navy Yard Cemetery Park, Brownstoner reported. The 1.7-acre park, located in the Brooklyn Navy Yard’s former Brooklyn Naval Hospital cemetery at Williamsburg Street West and Kent Avenue, will be filled with native flora and has been designed to envelop park patrons in nature. What do you think about the plans, locals?
  • Community Board 2 will hold its general meeting on Oct. 9 and, in addition to normal monthly business, community members will be able to hear presentations on plans for the Brooklyn Academy of Music’s North Site 1 building and on the design for “Silent Lights,” a temporary artistic light and sound installation planned to be build near the corner of Navy Street and Park Avenue. The meeting begins with both presentations at 6:00 p.m. in the Pfizer Auditorium, located in Polytechnic Institute’s Dibner Building at 5 Metrotech Center.