Cymbrowitz Urges Residents To Apply For Neighborhood Heating Fund

The following is an unaltered press release from the offices of Assemblyman Steven Cymbrowitz:
The thought of paying home heating costs this winter is enough to send a chill through many low-income seniors and families in Brooklyn.
Fortunately, help is on the way thanks to Assemblyman Steven Cymbrowitz (D-Brooklyn) and the Heartshare Neighborhood Heating Fund (NHF).
Assemblyman Cymbrowitz’ office at 1800 Sheepshead Bay Road is once again an official NHF application receiving site. Applications are available at the office now and his staff will assist constituents in his district in completing them. NHF will begin accepting completed applications on Monday, December 16.
Eligibility is based on household size and gross monthly income. To see if you are eligible and for more information, call Assemblyman Cymbrowitz’ office at (718) 743-4078.
The Neighborhood Heating Fund is run under the auspices of Heartshare Human Services of New York, which receives both grants and private donations. National Grid is a major sponsor of the program.
The NHF program runs until funds are depleted, so constituents are encouraged to apply as soon as possible.
“The winter is a particularly difficult time for low-income residents who must struggle to cover their basic needs,” said Assemblyman Cymbrowitz. “I am pleased that the Neighborhood Heating Fund is available to lend a much-needed helping hand.”
Assemblyman Cymbrowitz’ office is open Monday through Thursday, 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., and until 5 p.m. on Fridays.