Curbing Your Dog

Where is it okay for you to let your dog do its business? One neighbor asks:

Are tree pits okay? What about peoples’ lawns or the strips of grass between the curb and sidewalk? This is of course assuming that all poop will be scooped. My roomie walks her dog and always gets yelled at by homeowners when the dog goes on their grass even though she cleans up.
I recently spoke with my grandparents about this and they said that “curb your dog” means that your dog should be trained to go in the curb. They said that back before the pooper scooper law, New Yorkers always trained their dogs to go in the curb and the same should hold true now even if we are picking up after.

Of course, cleaning up after your dog is the law. Another neighbor noticed a couple of these thoughtful bags placed around the neighborhood:

In the bigger picture of fires and deaths I guess not so important, but it makes life in DP a little more neighborly when dog owners act responsibly! (Please don’t put your wrapped packages in my garbage can either- take it to a city can so that I don’t have to! Thanks)

So, what’s the right etiquette for the evacuation and disposal of your dog’s stinky business?