Councilmember Menchaca To Hold Info Sessions On Applying For Discretionary Funding

If you’re a member of a not-for-profit organization that is considering applying to receive funding through the City Council Discretionary Budget for fiscal year 2016 and you’re based in the 38th District, Councilmember Carlos Menchaca will be holding two meetings to help guide you through the process.

The sessions will explain the application process (which you can find online and must be submitted by February 20) for first-time applicants, and for those who’ve done it before, but may need a refresher.

“I hope that these sessions allow us some space for dialogue about how to engage with the City Council on the budget front, but also, I expect that this will serve as a place to talk through our funding priorities as a community,” the Councilmember wrote in a release.

The sessions will take place on the following dates:

Tuesday, January 13, 6:30pm-8pm
Community Board 7 office, 4201 4th Avenue

Thursday, January 15,6:30pm-8pm
Red Hook Library, 7 Wolcott Street

For any questions or to RSVP, contact Julian at 718-439-9012 or