Contribute To Help FOFA Reimagine The 4th & 9th Subway Station

Our neighbors at the Park Slope Civic Council‘s Forth on Fourth Avenue (FOFA) have grand ideas about what the 4th Avenue-9th Street station (what they call “Brooklyn’s ugliest transit hub”) could be, if only it had a chance–and they’re asking you to help them fund a pop-up installation to reveal the possibilities.

On Friday, November 21, FOFA, Park Slope Neighbors, the Fifth Avenue Committee, Arts Gowanus, Make Brooklyn Safer, and others plan to use paper and other props to make neighbors, local politicians, and the MTA alike reconsider a space used by thousands of Slopers every day.

“Why don’t long-delayed renovations include any improvements in lighting, signage or street-level amenities?” reads a statement from FOFA. “Think light, color, faux storefronts, art, amenities, street theater, fun!”

Neighbors who’d like to see a change at the station are asked to make a tax deductible donation to FOFA’s IOBY campaign, which closes at 11:59pm tonight. If you miss the deadline or are unable to contribute financially, however, FOFA would still absolutely love your assistance as a volunteer–you can help set up their artistic display, engage commuters with the project on the 21st, and more. To discuss volunteer opportunities, email