Contest Allows You To Choose Next Big Mobile App For MTA Commuters

The MTA and AT&T are holding a contest to see who can create the best app using real-time MTA data. According to a press release, the apps were developed as part of 2013 App Quest Personal Challenge and there is big money on the line for the app developer who receives the most votes.
The joint MTA and AT&T press release described how the contest works:
Voting on the submitted apps is open now through September 10 and winners will be announced at the end of the month. In addition to the MTA and AT&T, App Quest is also sponsored by Polytechnic Institute of New York University (NYU-Poly) and powered by ChallengePost.
“New Yorkers are always on the go and these apps will help connect riders to the information they need to improve their commutes,” said Marissa Shorenstein, New York State President, AT&T. “Innovation and accessibility to mobile technology is at the core of our partnership with the MTA – first through the addition of underground cellular service on 36 subway platforms and now, through our work to encourage new mobile tools to improve riders’ commutes. We are truly excited by the enthusiastic response to this challenge and look forward to hearing from New Yorkers as they vote for their favorite app.”
“We are very pleased that so many app developers have dedicated their time and energy toward creating apps that aim to help our customers,” said MTA Chairman and CEO Thomas F. Prendergast. “Now the public gets to decide which ones they think are the best. We encourage all MTA customers to take a look at the apps, and vote.”
“It’s inspiring to see the variety of apps created for this year’s App Quest,” said Brandon Kessler, CEO of ChallengePost. “Our world is being transformed by software before our eyes, and this competition proves the transit experience is no exception.”
Participants in the App Quest virtual challenge are competing for $40,000 in prize money to support the development of the apps that best help riders access the MTA’s subway, railroads, buses, bridges and tunnels. The app to receive the most votes will receive the Popular Choice award. Winners of the App Quest hackathon held in May were awarded a total of $10,000. All of the prize money is provided by AT&T.
One app that looks particularly interesting to me is TRANSient, which automatically adjusts for service changes along the subway. The app features easy to read color coded subway lines that race along a slate black background. Here is a preview of how it works below.
To preview and vote for your favorite apps, which track trains and buses, all with interesting graphics and unique presentations, click here.