Community Meal and Plays at Flatbush Reformed Church

Michael Carder sends word about an upcoming community meal:

On Saturday, April 21, the community meal at the Flatbush Reformed Church, co-sponsored by Occupy Your Block, will be followed by two short plays by local playwright and performer Dan Kinch, “How to Stop the Empire while Keeping your Day Job” and “A Good Day to Pie.”
There will also be a discussion of May Day 2012–what’s going on and easy/safe ways to participate.
The community meals program at the Flatbush Reformed Church is a free community service, especially welcoming, but not limited to, those in need of food assistance. The events are offered in partnership with neighbors and local organizations, and are a great way to get to know your neighbors in a casual, kid-friendly setting.

For more info, or to help with set-up, serving, or clean up, call Michael at 718-421-1814.