Community Board 2 Votes to Request New District Boundary Lines

Community Board 2 members discussed moving district boundary lines to encompass the entire Atlantic Yards site at last night’s general meeting. (Photo by Emily Field)

Community Board 2 voted last night to request the city redraw the district boundaries to include that the entire Atlantic Yards site.

Currently, Atlantic Yards site comprises Community Boards 2, 6 and 8. The community board did not have a specific recommendation for a new boundary line, though during the executive committee meeting last month, Rob Perris, district manager for CB 2, suggested that the boundary between Fourth and Vanderbilt Avenues should be moved one block south, from Pacific Street to Dean Street.

According to the city charter, the New York City Planning Department can revise community district lines every 10 years.

“This is not a land grab,” CB 2 chairperson Shirley McRae said, who voted against the proposal. She said that during her tenure as chairperson, the three community boards had stayed in communication.

Since the Atlantic Yards site is divided amongst three community boards, “there is no direct responsibility for Atlantic Yards, everyone assumes someone else is going to take responsibility, and then doesn’t,” Perris said.

“I find it inefficient as a municipal manager,” Perris said.

Perris said that the New York City Department of Sanitation would be the only city service affected by the proposed new district lines, aside from the police. When the Barclays Center was built, the 78th Precinct took over policing the Atlantic Yards site from the 88th Precinct.

The next step in the process is discussions with Community Boards 6 and 8.

“It’s unlikely there will be any changes unless all Community Boards, 2, 6 and 8, agree to them,” Perris said.