Community Board 2 Application Goes Online, Is Due February 15

Start the new year by starting a new volunteer role as a Brooklyn Community Board 2 member. Fortunately, the application process is made even easier now that Borough President Eric Adams has brought it into the 21st century — bringing it online.

You can still apply via mail, but the new digital application has debuted to try and attract a wider array of community members — including teenagers. Eventually, the application will go completely digital, said Adams in a statement.

“Our community board members are critical to the conversation between the residents of each neighborhood, their city agencies, and local elected officials,” Adams said. “We cannot lose sight of the hyperlocal focus needed to solve problems and identify opportunities on every block and street corner. Community boards are the grassroots forums where ideas that will define the future of Brooklyn are introduced and discussed.”

Last year, Adams also introduced some of the first teenage youth board members to join CBs, including our own Community Board 2, which serves Fort Greene, Clinton Hill, Downtown Brooklyn, Brooklyn Heights, DUMBO, and Vinegar Hill.

There are 18 community boards in Brooklyn. They have existed for 40 years and “are responsible for dealing with land use issues, assessing neighborhood needs, and addressing community concerns.”

Applications are due Monday, February 15. Candidates must be residents who live, work in, or have a professional interest in the district in which they are applying.